Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fields of ......

During the months of December to February, the sunflower fields in the Lopburi and Saraburi areas (about an hour from BKK) bloom.

Towards Christmas since the weather was beautiful, we decided to take a day trip to visit the sunflower fields. Unfortunately, most of the flowers had bloomed and dried up already. We were lucky to stumble across one that still had its flowers in bloom. Being Thailand, the enterprising locals were selling the by-products of the sunflowers ie seeds that have been roasted and salted to perfection! Yuuummm...


monlim said...

WAHH!!! Sunflowers!! So pretty, I've always wanted to see a field of sunflowers. Sean looks very grown up... and tall too, like you!

eunice said...

I love sunflowers, I call them happy flowers (I mean the name, the colour...need I say more). Wait till you get to ride an elephant in one of those fields. We did it once and it was amazing.

Yes, Sean is tall, but so darn skinny that when we went back for CNY everyone commented that he looked like a skeleton. I figure, he's healthy and that's all that matters.

monlim said...

don't worry about that, it's easier to put on than take off! Just 2 years ago, Andre was so thin, his school shorts would slide off his hips when he ran. By last year, he could barely breathe when he wore them. Now I worry that he's getting too round!