Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mum's chicken chop soup

My mum was a late starter when it came to cooking. I remember when she first started cooking for us it was so bad we used to dread meal times. She blossomed to be a really great cook and I think TH married me partly cos of mum's cooking!

This dish is one that I think she concocted and I love it as it is a one dish meal (has meat, veg and carbo). It is simple to cook and keeps well. The leftover tastes even better as the meat and potatoes absorb the soup.

Unfortunately, like most cooks of her time, mum did not swear by cookbooks and precise measurements. I cook the same way too sometimes. I have inherited recipes from her that have measurements going like this "20 cents of dried prawns" Huh? Some of these recipes are older than I am so how would I know what 20 cents of dried prawns is like in 2008? So I estimate or 'aga aga' (as they say in Malay).

So, if some of the measurements in my recipes are not 100% accurate, please bear with me.


Chicken fillet (about 6-10 pieces)
Biscuit (pounded to small crumbs)
1 egg (beaten)
1 big onion
1 potato
2 tomatoes

Chicken stock (1/2 litre)
Soya sauce (2 - 3 tbs)


Dice the potato into chunks. Fry till outside is browned (doesn't need to be cooked all the way)
Take it out. Drain oil and lightly sprinkle with salt. Put aside.

Dip chicken fillet pieces into egg and then coat with biscuit crumbs. Pan fry pieces till brown (doesn't need to be fully cooked). Take out put aside.

Cut up onion and tomato into mid size cubes.

Fill pot with chicken stock. Add onion and tomato.

Add soya sauce. Boil and then turn down heat to simmer. Add potato.

If there is left over egg, to stir in when soup is boiling.

When potato is softened, add in chicken. Simmer till chicken cooked and before biscuit crumbs disintegrate. Add salt to taste.


petite fleur said...

You need to put up a bigger picture cos this sounds really interesting tho. Never had something quite like this.

eunice said...

I'm still not too good with pics yet. Yes, I know no one who has had something like this.

monlim said...

I shd stop reading your food posts at night, they always make me want to run out and eat supper...

eunice said...

You should read Siu Mei's posts. I'm always wiping my mouth after reading it. Her pics are gorgeous