Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stories by Sean

The author

My friends on Facebook would have already read this. I thought I'd share this with everyone as I think it shows how innocent Sean still is.

At the end of every school year, parents get all the work the children have been doing over the past year. This is an essay by Sean as part of his English work. note: spelling and punctuation are all his.

Title: how the lion got the fish tail

{Long, Long ago in ancient times in Singapore there was a lion who was walking by a lake. He steped on a rock and fell in to the lake. Then a fish saw the lion so he helped him. He said "wake up lion". Suddenly he woke up and he saw the fish "thanks for helping me" said the lion in a soft voice. The the fish said "would you marry me" he said "yes". Then me marryed him and after that thay had a parrty. It had food, games, movies, songs and best of all rides. Then one day the fish babby came out. It hurt allot. But she did it. The babby looked like this body is a lion and her legs were like a fish. Her name was merlion. And thats why the merlion repesents singapore. }

I thought it's a new spin on our merlion....

This next one is play. He is learning about the different types of writing (fiction, poems etc)

Title: A play about princess willy and princess maggi

Prince willy:"ahhhhh! Help! Help!"
Princess maddi: "Oh! what is that thing?"
(Looking surprised)
Prince w:"it's my pet rabbit"
Princess:"oh it's your rabbit"
Princess:"I thought it was a frog and you know how I hate frogs"
Prince:"O yes I know"
Princess:"It's OK"
Prince:"Can you help me put my rabbit in the cage"
Princess:"come back here"
Prince:"I will not work"
Prince:"I got an idai put some carrat's in hes cage"
Prince:"And wait"
Princess:"He's comeing"
Prince:"1,2,3 let GO!"
Prince:"Thanks again"
Princess:"It's OK"
Prince:"never mind"

The End

I thought this was pretty funny. It reminded me of a lit play I had to study called "waiting for Godot".
And best thing is Sean had to act it OUT!!!


monlim said...

Hi Eunice, great to see you joined the blogging community! Sean's stories are so cute! How old is he?

Lilian said...

Heylo Eunice, I got here through a comment you left on Monica's blog. Yep, your son's stories are are really cute. Btw, my younger boy's name is also Sean, and yes, spelt the cool way hehe.

eunice said...

Sean is 8 going on 16...

Lilian, yes, do agree that the way we spelt Sean is cool.:)